You are my secret,
Hidden in plain sight.
The taste of water,
The fragrance of air,
The touch of space,
The sound of silence,
The color of light.
You are neither
Myself nor another,
Less than something
But more than nothing.
A boundless loving
Presence holding
In your invisible
Embrace everything.
You are so completely
Different from all
The mind-made fancies,
Yet you live them all,
Enjoying their play like
The waters caressed
By shoals of fishes.
You are always there,
Unnoticed horizon of
Freedom and beauty,
A formless landscape,
Ignored, forever sought,
Kept so far way by all the
“Yes, but…”, “Yet, I need…”
Otherwise, you’d so close:
When every name and form
Is offered, surrendered to
That which makes them appear,
You are there, I am too.